Anyone holding a non-trivial amount of bitcoin should consider multisignature security, including how to mitigate potential...

If you want to ensure you will be able to recover your Bitcoin in the event...

The team at Sphinx is using the Validating Lightning Signer architecture to separate the keys from...

One issue with Bitcoin’s privacy, the ability to receive funds without giving up valuable information, is...

The key to Bitcoin lies in the keys — and scaling based upon the understanding of...

Cryptosteel is a device that allows bitcoin holders to back up their private keys in...

Scalability has been a central issue within the Bitcoin community for well over a year...

Bitcoin, right now, is not really anonymous. While Bitcoin addresses aren't necessarily linked to real-world identities,...

Bitcoin right now is  not really anonymous. While Bitcoin addresses aren't necessarily linked to real-world...

The Australian computer scientist Craig Steven Wright is sending shock waves throughout the Bitcoin world,...

Electrum, Bitcoin's popular lightweight wallet, launched a new version of its software this week. Apart...

San Francisco based Bitcoin microtransactions startup ChangeTip announced the launch of a new service called ChangeTip...

In a Form S-3 filed with the SEC on November 10, sought approval to...

The North Carolina Commissioner of Banks has released a document specifying in plain English what...

In a rare move in the Bitcoin space, KeepKey has simultaneously begun to take orders for and...

In June, Bitcoin Magazinereported that Blockstream launched Sidechain Elements, a sidechain development framework with open source code, including...

Cryptocurrency recovery should be just one part of your overall strategic operations and recovery plan. These...

Elliptic and Gem have announced a new partnership today that will involve Elliptic acting as...

While many companies in the Bitcoin space are working on the “killer app” that will...

In 2014 we saw the release of the first hardware Bitcoin wallets. Now the unicorn...