Colorado and Washington state legalized marijuana in 2012 and by doing so, told the federal government...

As a stepping stone towards eventual integration of Stratum v2, Ocean Mining has added the ability...

BTCPay and Strainly have produced a case study on the efficacy of Bitcoin as a payment...

Braidpool is a protocol proposal for a completely decentralized mining pool, leaving no part of the...

CrowdHealth, a startup focusing on crowdfunded healthcare products in lieu of insurance plans, integrates Lightning payments...

The launch of Ocean's mining pool was definitely not smooth, but that shouldn't distract from conversations...

Whatever happened to Uncle Jim? Does he not care about lending a helping hand anymore?

A reality check on the limitations of Lightning Network, and what that means in terms of...

A Bitcoin powered protocol for atomically exchanging your sats for digital files.

A recent anonymous proposal specifies a system using timelocked Bitcoin transactions and chaumian ecash mints to...

How a second layer on Bitcoin is designed and functioned has implications for how it affects...

It has been fifteen years since the original Bitcoin white paper was published on the cryptography...

Privacy cannot be accomplished alone, it inherently requires a group effort to be attained.

A relatively simple proposal can help improve both the Lightning Network's payment success rate, but also...

This is a legitimate vulnerability in the Lightning protocol, but the sky is not falling.

Relai's Breez SDK integration will bring a self-custodial Lightning experience to its user base by the...

FinCEN proposes regulations that would allow them to force businesses to report transaction details on almost...

John Law's Timeout Tree proposal is one of the first concrete designs for a channel factory...

From “The Withdrawal Issue”, Shinobi discusses the nature of Bitcoin scaling and the choice between trusted...

Aaron van Wirdum pieces together the entire history of the inventions and cultures that culminated with...