The first successful discreet log contract has been executed on the Lightning Network by creating a...

The recent FTX collapse has demonstrated the shortfalls of third parties. Successful businesses in the future...

The reality of the situation in “crypto” is people have discovered a way to recreate the...

When one considers the state of the Union today, it doesn’t really seem like there is...

The nature of open-source distributed systems leaves some vulnerabilities open to exploitation, but should bugs be...

Miners face an absolute bloodbath in their attempts to acquire bitcoin profitably as hash rate and...

Erlay will bring bandwidth efficiency gains to Bitcoin’s peer-to-peer layer by changing the transaction relay protocol...

Candace Owens reported that Kanye West’s bank accounts with JPMorgan Chase were closed. Ye needs to...

If the bitcoin price remains stable while everything else continues to crash, it would be a...

Is bitcoin diverging from traditional markets? Are people starting to wake up to the fact that...

If this user experience can be replicated on mainnet, it is easy to see how federated...

The team at Sphinx is using the Validating Lightning Signer architecture to separate the keys from...

Podcasting 2.0 has the potential to be the first “killer app” outside of using bitcoin as...

While many talking heads would like you to believe that inflation is slowing down, the current...

It is extremely important to educate bitcoin users on best practices when it comes to receiving...

While "the smartest people in the room" scan the horizon, bitcoiners are out there actually building...

The only way out of this mess is to adopt a money that is extremely hard...

Bitcoiners should lean into the utility of bitcoin while recognizing the problems with the incumbunt systems....

This transition is going to prove to be tumultuous for many around the globe and some...

Developers are working out ways to brainstorm potential problems and test their solutions for certain shortcomings...