The European Union (EU) has announced an online AMA session on June 18, 2018, at 6...

Huobi wants to develop the HCP into a decentralized, autonomous platform for value exchange, fundraising, securitization...

HBO's comedy Silicon Valley features a "decentralized internet" storyline. Here are some of the actual projects...

"With a significant concentration of technical talent and entrepreneurs, a blockchain-focused incubator program is exactly what...

IBM has partnered with environmental fintech startup Veridium Labs to turn carbon credits — tradable...

The Polish Credit Office BIK in partnership with Billon will implement a GDPR-compliant blockchain technology solution...

RNDR is “a blockchain-based rendering platform that leverages a distributed network of idle GPUs to render...

It's expected that 10 percent of global GDP could be stored on blockchain technology by 2027....

In partnership with Polybius, San Marino wants to develop the infrastructure, the regulations and the technical...

Cryptocurrency trading by financial firms could increase in 2018, according to a new Thomson Reuters...

Neufund is the latest of many blockchain companies that have established a presence in Malta, attracted...

The mobile trading app is rolling out cryptocurrency trading gradually and claims that over one million...

Santander's OnePay FX is built on xCurrent, Ripple’s enterprise software solution for cross-border interbank payments with...

Smaller than a grain of salt, crypto-anchors can authenticate a product’s origin and contents, ensuring it...

The EverMarkets Exchange (EMX) is expected to launch later this year for non-U.S. clients. It will...

“A strong gig economy will emerge in virtual worlds...where people from all over the world can...

The TREZOR Model T cryptocurrency hardware wallet is easy to use, with an appealing UI design...

TrustToken has launched trading for TrueUSD, “the first independently verified asset-backed stablecoin on the market...

The Rabobit cryptocurrency wallet is part of Rabobank's internal Moonshot acceleration program.

Porsche has announced that it will be the the first major carmaker to implement and successfully...