Bitpay won’t be using Lightning or Liquid any time soon, with actual Bitcoin payments still accounting...

Data indicates that someone was propping up Bitcoin Cash at a loss prior to the halving...

On Sunday, Lightning Labs CEO Elizabeth Stark explained why exchanges have been hesistant to integrate Bitcoin’s...

A new report on stablecoins by a G7 working group betrays some misunderstandings by the authors...

Bitcoin is still the preferred cryptocurrency among cybercriminals, according to this year’s Internet Organized Crime Threats...

With the potential of the Lightning Network and the growth of bitcoin rewards programs, the age...

Layer 2 protocols like the Lightning Network and the Liquid sidechain can make it easier for...

By 2014, financial companies were repeating “blockchain not Bitcoin” at every major conference; but blockchain technology...

Let’s take a closer look at Bitcoin security. Is Bitcoin secure? And is it possible for...

To fully understand Facebook’s goals, consider how Libra will function at launch and compare it to...

The accusation that bitcoin is nothing more than a Ponzi scheme is perhaps the oldest, longest-standing...

One of the earliest criticisms of Bitcoin was that the underlying token in the system had...

Bitcoin can be quite useful for criminals, much like physical cash. However, the permissionless nature of...

Technologies like Bitcoin and end-to-end encryption are changing how political leanings are defined.

Breez has announced its mobile Lightning wallet is available in open beta, emphasizing ease of use....

Over the years, Bitcoin has gained a reputation for having a “toxic” community of users around...

In a SXSW panel discussion, IBM’s Christopher Ferris asked bitcoiner Jimmy Song if he was arguing... has announced the launch of its cash-based bitcoin exchange, which includes Lightning Network integration.

“Calling it 'rat poison,' to me, suggests that they haven’t taken the time to really understand...

Bitfury was one of the first companies built around the process of bitcoin mining, but...