Before they were cypherpunks, the forefathers of Bitcoin were Extropians.

Tracing El Salvador's Bitcoin story, from Bitcoin Beach to the ongoing challenges in establishing government-led adoption....

Bitcoin Core developers release first software with Taproot support marking the 22nd major release of its...

Taproot has locked in with the Bitcoin protocol upgrade now set to activate in November.

Cypherpunk and cryptocurrency pioneer Nick Szabo previewed his keynote for the Bitcoin 2021 event, being held...

There are now two different Taproot activation paths embedded in Bitcoin software clients. Here’s what this...

The discussion around LOT=true and LOT=false remains the final hurdle in Taproot activation. So, what’s the...

Bitcoin Core 0.21.0 introduces new features, performance improvements and takes big steps toward the Schnorr and...

In 2020, the Bitcoin development community introduced a number of useful new features, important upgrades and...

In its efforts to bring Turing-complete smart contracts to Bitcoin, IOVlabs has introduced Powpeg to improve...

Bitcoin development nonprofit Brink has awarded its first fellowship to Gloria Zhao, who will work on...

Brink, a nonprofit founded by John Newbery and Mike Schmidt, will offer fellowship and support to...

Major bitcoin mining pool Poolin has launched an initiative promoting Taproot, which will ultimately require miner...

Two years after Bitcoin SV split from Bitcoin Cash, another hard fork and community dispute could...

Pioneering cryptographer Hal Finney saw the need for untraceable digital cash, and his work ultimately fostered...

Payment pools, a potential Layer Two solution made possible through Taproot, could let groups of bitcoin...

The Human Rights Foundation is donating 1 BTC each to three developers focused on increasing Bitcoin’s...

As Taproot, the latest consensus protocol change, approaches activation, Bitcoin developers are asking how exactly the...

The Human Rights Foundation has launched a fund for development that makes Bitcoin more private. To...

Bitcoin Core 0.20.0 cleans up the Bitcoin Core codebase, advances hardware wallet integration and strengthens network...