Breakdowns in global trade and credit call for money that doesn’t depend on trust. Bitcoin is...

Bitcoin has no lender of last resort for those who take undue risks. Bitcoin’s recent leverage...

The debt addicted nations of today must hit rock bottom before they can see the incorruptible...

Fiat money extends the debt cycle and traps citizens in ever-increasing inflation — but bitcoin forces...

The conclusion of the long-term debt cycle is an inescapable economic reality that coincides with the...

As we seemingly approach Hayek’s “Denationalisation Of Money,” what will come next for Bitcoin’s journey away...

The economic and financial news this year has been grim to say the least. As central...

Global negative-yielding debt is now over $17 trillion, making investors extremely nervous. And it is forcing...

Bitcoin is the leading cryptocurrency in market capitlization. How does bitcoin’s market cap compare to the...

The global debt has reached the astronomic amount of USD 243 trillion. And now the stock...