After a prolonged period of muted volatility, the bitcoin price had a violent swing to the...

Analyzing specific metrics using on-chain data can give investors a closer look at market trends and...

There is a divergence in the performance of equities and real yields in bonds. The effects...

Democratic Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. articulated specific Bitcoin-focused policies, including backing the U.S. dollar...

The exponential price appreciation after the Bitcoin halving is more of a function of buyer demand...

Comparing Bitcoin’s Lightning Network to legacy credit card processing makes it clear that Lightning settles payments...

The debate around whether or not this policy is a form of quantitative easing misses the...

Silvergate clients flee as stock price plummets and regulatory questions mount across the industry. Options for...

The Big Flip thesis has been gaining traction in the financial world and describes the market’s...

Announcements by government agencies make stricter regulations look imminent for the crypto industry. How derivatives market...

The market is nearly unanimous in expecting a 0.25% rate hike during February's FOMC meeting, yet...

The Bank of Japan sent tremors through capital markets as it announced a rate target increase...

As the market hangs on the edge of continued rally or turning over, hawkish or dovish...

Bitcoin mining pool Poolin suspended withdrawals and is suffering for it as nearly 50% of its...

A sovereign debt crisis is brewing in Europe, and it will likely perpetuate the euro's devaluation...

With more good news is bad news jobs data, the world’s inflationary bear market is spelling...

After a major difficulty adjustment rise, hash price heads for new lows as miners’ profitability gets...

Bitcoin’s perpetual futures market funding rate can play a key role in short-term price movement. So...

This analysis of the changing world order, its impacts on the global economy, and the future...

As equity markets begin to teeter and volatility in the legacy system increases through deleveraging, it...