Bitcoiners, a community of people who share open-mindedness and an appreciation for sovereignty, can grow from...

The founder of Bangkok’s Build On Bitcoin Space discusses Southeast Asia’s Bitcoin-only community and renewable mining...

Jack and Liv, two Midwestern homesteaders and Bitcoiners, discuss their farm, food health and how Bitcoiners...

Meet Erin, a Bay Area urban farmer and astrologist who sees Bitcoin and homesteading as community-focused...

A homesteader in Portugal shares her experiences running a farm, feeding her family and supporting a...

The potential of losing your funds isn’t the only reason to secure your own bitcoin. It...

We must learn from the historic collapse of Sam Bankman-Fried’s FTX cryptocurrency exchange before the world...

Adopting bitcoin on Veterans Day can help put an end to forever wars that unnecessarily risk...

The permaculture mentality homesteaders have is congruent with the low-time-preference mentality that Bitcoin seems to elicit....

Bitcoin’s greatest attribute is resistance to the chaos created by central banks’ manufactured crises.

The hills once provided a check on the overreaches of state-making. Today, Bitcoin provides that check....

While traveling across the country visiting Bitcoin meetups, Captain Sidd found Bitcoiners have many things in...

Journeying across the United States and visiting various Bitcoin meetups showed certain aspects of Bitcoin culture...

Starting from Bitcoin 2022, my motorcycle tour will travel 10,000 highway miles to meet Bitcoiners across...

An at-home bitcoin miner describes his setup, offsetting heat costs, tax incentives and his role in...

A home bitcoin miner shares details on how he earns bitcoin while heating his home with...

Coin Heated, a bitcoin miner who runs an immersion-cooled, 2.4 petahash operation at home, discusses his...

Centrally managed currencies are similar to Ponzi schemes, and require increasingly dystopian measures to stay afloat....

The new mining operations manager for Compass Mining discusses his experience, offers tips for mining at...

Central bank interventions in the monetary system - from lowering interest rates to printing money -...