Infographic: Bitcoin’s Market Cap in Perspective

Bitcoin is the leading cryptocurrency in market capitlization. How does bitcoin’s market cap compare to the rest of the world’s markets and assets?
Bitcoin is the leading cryptocurrency in market capitlization. How does bitcoin’s market cap compare to the rest of the world’s markets and assets?
Bitcoin has always been the leading cryptocurrency in market capitalization — the total value of its circulating supply in dollars — by a wide margin. But how does bitcoin’s market cap compare to the rest of the world’s markets and assets?

Bitcoin has always been the leading cryptocurrency in market capitalization — the total value of its circulating supply in dollars — by a wide margin. But how does bitcoin’s market cap compare to the rest of the world’s markets and assets?

As this infographic illustrates, bitcoin’s market cap is dwarfed by traditional asset classes. It is much smaller than other stores of value like gold and the global real estate market. Vastly more money has been invested in Silicon Valley. And bitcoin is similarly overshadowed by the gross domestic products of the world’s leading economies and the world’s spiraling debt.

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