Channel jamming has emerged as a potential attack vector for Bitcoin’s Lightning Network. But does it...

Policy is beginning to creep against bitcoin and it may affect the bitcoin price in the...

The globalists’ coordinated assault on farming through environmental, social and governance restrictions are directly related to...

The nomenclature used to help the layman understand Bitcoin makes lawmakers confuse it as money instead...

A group of Bitcoin Core developers discussed various attack vectors for Bitcoin as well as ways...

Many Bitcoin miners in the West might acquiesce to government attempts to blacklist certain addresses if...

Discussing a recent attack on the Bitcoin network, in which some nodes were flooding peers with...

The Lightning Network is the reason Bitcoin will be legal tender in El Salvador. The main...

The potential for “griefing” attacks on Bitcoin’s Lightning Network is a serious threat. Here’s how they...

The United Nations has launched a probe into 35 cyber attacks linked to North Korea, including...

A confidential briefing from the UN indicates that North Korea has accrued at least $2 billion...

Last month's attack on Tether contains a cautionary tale: Only those coins that can survive such...

MyEtherWallet, a popular web-based wallet for storing and transmitting the cryptocurrency ether (ETH), suffered a DNS...

An eclipse attack is a network-level attack on a blockchain, where an attacker essentially takes...

Imperva Incapsula, a cloud-based service provider, has released a comprehensive report titled “Q3 2017 Global...

%%excerpt%% “Six or seven [mining] pools have played a major role in stuffing blocks with spam...

Of course, Bitcoin Magazine kept up with all of it. Looking back on 2016, we compiled...

The Ethereum community is reeling after what appears to be another attack on the network. All...

This is a guest post by Addison James. In a February 17 letter, Hollywood Presbyterian...

The RAND Corporation, an influential global policy think tank with strong defense and homeland security...