The recent actions of the US Department of Justice (DOJ) have ignited a fierce debate on...

Users will once again be able to selectively spend their UTXOs via the Wasabi Wallet interface....

Merchants using BTCPay Server will now be able to protect their privacy using Wasabi Wallet’s CoinJoin...

Shadowy super coders and sat stacking anons from all over the internet are welcome to try...

The bitcoin wallet is using exit nodes that anonymously route traffic, rather than relying on the...

Crypto privacy advocates were appalled when U.S. authorities sanctioned and shut down Tornado Cash. Could Bitcoin...

The feud between bitcoin mixing services Wasabi and Samourai should not come down to the latter’s...

zkSNACKs, the company behind the privacy-focused Wasabi Wallet, explained its decision to censor certain Bitcoin UTXOs...

While ZeroLink CoinJoin implementations are generally more popular, the JoinMarket project has potential to offer decentralized...

After much anticipation, the Wasabi Wallet team unveils the planned rollout for Wasabi Wallet 2.0.

Max Hillebrand, a member of the Bitcoin privacy research group zkSNACKs, discusses Wasabi Wallet and crypto...

Bitcoin mixers are solutions (software or services) that let users mix their coins with other...

This contains 50 links to most of the best quality content that was uploaded to Reddit...

As British tax department HMRC seeks to track all bitcoin transactions, security experts Nopara73 and Paul...

Through the #BitcoinIsSafe, #WasabiIsSafe campaign, the Wasabi Wallet team wants to keep Bitcoin Core from being...

Chainalysis has traced the PlusToken team’s attempts to sell ill-gotten bitcoin through Huobi OTC desks, potentially...

In this exclusive Bitcoin Magazine video interview, Wasabi Wallet creator nopara73 discusses the future of his...

Blockchain analysis firm Chainalysis has found that only a small fraction of coins sent to bitcoin...

One of the earliest criticisms of Bitcoin was that the underlying token in the system had...

According to a study released by Longhash, the relative usage of CoinJoin out of all bitcoin...