The PEZ dispenser with a Bitcoin design has released in a limited-edition run of 30,000 units....

Along with other bitcoin companies, Blockstream is spearheading a developer community to further Lightning and layer-2...

The newly appointed CEO of FTX provides initial bankruptcy filing calling previous management a “complete failure”...

El Salvador President Nayib Bukele yesterday announced the country would begin purchasing one bitcoin every day,...

The marketplace lets users buy and list any legal products in return for bitcoin and is...

Following the implosion of FTX and the locking up of over $175 million, Genesis’s lending arm...

The limited-edition run will donate a portion of tin sales to empower the growing coffee industry...

A new report from the Bitcoin Policy Institute discusses why the industry needs to adopt proof...

The chief of Twitter and Tesla said that bitcoin ‘will make it’, but the financial winter...

A new app geared towards connecting local bitcoiners in real life called Orange Pill just launched...

The company will speak on stage at the next Bitcoin Conference showcasing its new cooling solutions...

Grantee Davidson Souza will continue development on multiple Bitcoin projects following a Summer of Bitcoin internship,...

Following a liquidity crunch, FTX reached out to Binance to solve its liquidity issues through acquisition...

Laser Digital, Nomura’s bitcoin and crypto focused unit, will reportedly launch an institutional trading platform by...

James Zhong stole over $3 billion BTC from Silk Road by committing wire fraud and possibly...

The wallet leverages open-source software and bitcoin encryption to enable its users to custody not only...

The bitcoin wallet is using exit nodes that anonymously route traffic, rather than relying on the...

The User Agreement lays out terms and conditions for services users are allowed to use with...

The city seeks to establish itself as a financial hub by establishing a licensing regime in...

The bill looks to place bitcoin and digital assets under existing financial instrument law enabling existing...