A sect of Bitcoin Maximalists known as Bitcoin Fundamentalists are taking over the movement. But is...

Why the nearly-14-year-old cryptocurrency has lost its luster … according to the “experts.” There are better...

Bitcoiners should lean into the utility of bitcoin while recognizing the problems with the incumbunt systems....

Bitcoin Maximalists should reclaim that label and refocus on what it means to build a future...

Trying to define and apply the label of Bitcoin Maximalism is a non-productive criticism that obscures...

Toxic Bitcoin Maximalism can serve an important purpose to ward off newcomers from scams and altcoins,...

There has been a lot of digital ink spilled about the concept of Bitcoin Maximalism, but...

A world without Bitcoin, where you own nothing and have no privacy, is not worth living...

Bitcoin is in a league of its own compared to other cryptocurrencies and it’s important to...

21 + 21 more reasons why you should sell all of your bitcoin now.

Bitcoin isn’t on the same playing field as anything else — so it doesn’t make sense...

Navigating the duality of Bitcoin development in 2022 is going to be a major challenge for...

Mark Moss joins a group of Bitcoiners to discuss self-sovereignty and how to use Bitcoin and...

A group of convicted Bitcoiners discuss the future of the Bitcoin community

A group of Bitcoiners discuss the fundamental differences between Bitcoin and the rest of the cryptocurrency...

Discussing what makes bitcoin different from other cryptocurrencies.

A group of convicted Bitcoin enthusiasts discuss what makes bitcoin fundamentally different from other cryptocurrencies.

Why bitcoin is not only the best investment of our time, and the only good “crypto,”...

Over the years, Bitcoin has gained a reputation for having a “toxic” community of users around...

By: Catherine Bleish Daniel Krawisz has made a name for himself as the philosophical opponent...