The process of life is necessarily dis-equalizing as agents differentiate themselves from the collective. In our...

On the mission to build a more “based” language model.

As artificial intelligence grows, so do attempts to control it. But, if we can differentiate the...

Ideological battle lines are being drawn around artificial intelligence, and Bitcoiners need to enter the fray....

Whether Bitcoiners like it or not, large-scale Bitcoin adoption is not coming this decade or next....

For Bitcoin, 2022 was a year of lessons, frustrations, vindications, progress and, in some cases, regress....

Virtue signaling and altruistic positions on Bitcoin are a farce. Choose Bitcoin because it’s right, not...

What the FTX failure means for Bitcoin, and why it may be the best thing to...

When viewed through the lens of necessity, we can better understand Bitcoin’s progression toward a broader,...

A sect of Bitcoin Maximalists known as Bitcoin Fundamentalists are taking over the movement. But is...

Why the nearly-14-year-old cryptocurrency has lost its luster … according to the “experts.” There are better...

Without responsibility, freedom is meaningless. So Bitcoin is not just freedom money, it is responsible money,...

Bitcoin, like other constants in the universe, creates a foundation upon which humanity can interpret monetary...

We’re at a crossroads between sovereignty and Marxist entropy. Like Bitcoin, ‘The UnComminist Manifesto’ hopes to...

It’s not and never was about equality or perfection. It’s about fairness and consequence. Bitcoin is...

No retreat, no surrender, Bitcoiners are not here to back down as the fiat establishment might...

A world without Bitcoin, where you own nothing and have no privacy, is not worth living...

Bitcoin returns economic consequence, and therefore learning from experience, to the pursuit of progress.

Bitcoin’s crowning achievement is the reintroduction of morality. Like Old Testament God, it leaves no room...

Bitcoin returns the world to a state of truth, which will have incredible ramifications on the...