With nearly half of Americans indicating that they are tired of political dichotomy, it’s time for...

Bitcoin may be apolitical, but your outlook on the role of government likely informs your attitude...

Prominent Bitcoiners, many of whom advocate “lifestyle maximalism,” may be hurting adoption by leaning in one...

Rising movements to establish free, autonomous jurisdictions around the world are working alongside Bitcoin to establish...

It’s not and never was about equality or perfection. It’s about fairness and consequence. Bitcoin is...

It’s time for the Libertarian Party and Bitcoiners to team up and make their voices heard...

As inflation leaves young Democrats with few options for acquiring wealth, some voters are challenging party...

Bitcoin offers libertarians the perfect vehicle for starving the state of its outsized control over personal...

How do Bitcoin’s properties present the best opportunity to seize liberty humanity has ever seen?

Mass adoption of Bitcoin isn’t important. Selective adoption is and always has been how any revolutionary...

The legendary politician, who advocated for many of the underlying principles present in sound money, believes...

"I’m interested in what happens when the market crashes and I’m interested in preserving an environment...

Technologies like Bitcoin and end-to-end encryption are changing how political leanings are defined.

"At the end of the day, it doesn't matter who you are or where your politics...

Imagine a country where you could live free without a central government telling you who...

As an old-school cypherpunk in the 1990s and one of the most active members of...

The crypto currency scene is becoming divided; on one side we see venture capitalists entering the...

Researching all things bitcoin thoroughly for the last two years has led me to come...

The most pressing problem evangelical bitcoiners and libertarians face is one of communication. Occasionally on...

In her recent post on Crooks and Liars, Karoli, whose pieces I’ve been reading for...