A few weeks ago, I opined on why Republicans should love bitcoin. Thankfully, though, the...

The Republican reaction to bitcoin has been mixed. Some lawmakers have enthusiastically supported it, while...

If you’re reading this article, there’s a good chance you know a thing or two...

Curious about cryptocurrency? Everyone is invited to learn the what and the how of bitcoin...

Movies without bitcoin? Snore!Unfortunately the entire corpus of feature films lacks cryptocurrency. But imagine if...

Passion is a trait not difficult to find among bitcoin enthusiasts. In my experience, however,...

Bitcoin is more than a currency and more than a protocol. It’s an idea. In...

Wisconsinites love their beer, and several craft breweries call Madison home. Among them is MobCraft, a brewing...

The most pressing problem evangelical bitcoiners and libertarians face is one of communication. Occasionally on...

I hate change. Cumbersome and anachronistic, coins are the Zeppelins of the monetary world. And...