By publicly exploiting a bug on Lightning that could have put users’ funds at risk, the...

River Financial research analyst Sam Wouters shares about his report which details unique insights from the...

The nature of open-source distributed systems leaves some vulnerabilities open to exploitation, but should bugs be...

One developer brought down LND nodes with a massive multisignature transaction, causing issues across the Lightning...

A bug resulting in the stalling of LND and btcd nodes had minimal impact — but...

In this episode of “The Van Wirdum Sjorsnado,” the hosts discussed CVE-2021-31876, a bug in the...

On the latest episode of What Bitcoin Did, host Peter McCormack interviews Jimmy Song, a consultant...

It's been a busy couple of weeks for the Monero community, with a bug patch and...

Bitcoin Magazine’s Week in Review for week of September 22nd, 2018

The good news is the Bitcoin protocol is safe and the bug was never exploited. Still,...

Bitcoin developers released a new version of the Bitcoin Core client September 18 after fixing a...

Cryptocurrency industry and community figures are reacting after it emerged a Bitcoin Core developer fixed a...

514,000 ether worth over $320 million are locked up in Parity wallets. The community has a...

Had Coinbase users noticed the glitch, they could have been able to turn themselves into cryptocurrency...

As a way to eliminate bugs in high-risk code, a style of software programming known...

In January, Bitcoin Magazinereported that a public alpha technology preview of Zcash, “a decentralized and...