Initially thought to be a fat-fingered mistake, has now been traced back to an issue within...

As demand increases for Bitcoin block space, the Lightning Network is primed to replace centralized banking...

New developments on Bitcoin have created a bull market for mining fees, causing great controversy within...

Bitcoin inscriptions have been out for a few more weeks, so we follow up on the...

Many speculate that Bitcoin’s security will lapse with the end of the mining subsidy. But other...

Data shows both Bitcoin and Ethereum have observed a spike in the transaction fees over the...

Bitcoin on-chain activity has been on the rise for the past week. It has seen transactions...

Much discussion has centered around the implications of decreasing fee revenue for bitcoin miners — why...

Using a credit card to pay for purchases has negative implications for businesses and consumers. Bitcoin...

Person-to-person bitcoin exchange LocalBitcoins has announced it has cut down some fees on the platform to...

Bitcoin’s hash rate, difficulty and fees are important parts of understanding Bitcoin on a technical level....

Bitcoin's four-year market cycle will diminish over time as block reward incentive does. This can be...

A recent plummet in hash rate and spike in transaction fees has raised some questions about...

When considering Bitcoin dominance in terms of market cap and trading volume, spare a thought for...

The 15-month long bear market isn’t affecting Bitcoin adoption and usage, new data shows, as on-chain...

Visa and Mastercard are planning to increase transaction fees for US merchants who accept card payments, Reuters reports. The...

Numerous signs of maturity can be noted across the cryptocurrency industry. A growing number of Bitcoin...

A handful of decentralized games are causing Ethereum transaction fees to rise, the price of gas...

While Bitcoin is still overwhelmingly preferred for transacting, the latest data shows that Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash,...

Bitcoin (BTC) transaction fees have dipped below than those of Bitcoin Cash (BCH), marking a blow...