Bitcoin has been working constantly for the past ten years and there are no signs that...

Bitcoin is known for its meteoric rises and plummeting dips, but the price has not seen...

Several bitcoin investment platforms for institutional players have been gaining popularity over the past few months....

Singapore based crypto exchange Huobi is set to freeze accounts controlled by US residents in an...

Tether posted a press release on their website today saying that they’re expecting lawsuits based on...

The highly anticipated launch of Bakkt’s physically-backed bitcoin futures has been disappointing, to say the least,...

Many analysts over the years have said that bitcoin is a speculative bubble, comparing it to...

Facebook’s Libra Coin has been all over the news the past few months as more tech...

100 Million XRP was transferred to Ripple Co-founder Jeb McCaleb from Ripple Lab’s wallet address, as...

The government of Argentina has imposed capital controls on its citizens in a response to growing...

Earlier this year, the Samsung Blockchain Wallet was added to their flagship phone, the Galaxy S10....

Bitcoin Fees in December 2017 were almost always above $10, sometimes reaching nearly $30. Today we...

Over the years many people have speculated on what the price of 1 BTC could be...

The Lightning Network has been subject to controversy since it’s rise to prominence in 2016. Championed...

One of the few go-to financial service providers that are Bitcoin and Crypto friendly, Silvergate Bank,...

Centralized companies leaking data has become somewhat commonplace in recent years, and that is only slated...

Brian Armstrong talked about institutional investors in the cryptocurrency space on Twitter earlier this week, saying...

According to an announcement from an official for the People’s Bank of China (PBOC), the country...

Bitcoin SV experienced a serious network split on Saturday after a massive 210 MB block was...

Early Bitcoin investor Max Keiser tweeted today that he foresees Bitcoin price smashing through the $15,000...