Explaining the controversy around Bitcoin’s BIP 119 (CTV) proposal and debunking some myths that in part...

The history of Bitcoin upgrade activation mechanisms informs an opinion on how to make protocol changes...

The debate about BIP119 has two central issues being conflated: the proposal itself and the activation...

BIP119, which adds limited covenants to Bitcoin, is the current conversation and many people question if...

In this episode of “The Van Wirdum Sjorsnado,” the hosts discussed the lock in of Bitcoin’s...

Taproot has locked in with the Bitcoin protocol upgrade now set to activate in November.

Taproot.watch has added a new feature showing that a vast majority of Bitcoin mining hash rate...

Each of the top-10 bitcoin mining pools by hash rate have signaled at least one block...

Bitcoin mining pools have begun signaling for the Taproot soft fork activation, with nearly half of...

Bitcoin Core version 0.21.1 is now available for download, including activation parameters for the Schnorr and...

This episode of “The Van Wirdum Sjorsnado” covered the final implementation details of Speedy Trial.

There are now two different Taproot activation paths embedded in Bitcoin software clients. Here’s what this...

Speedy Trial has been merged into Bitcoin Core, offering a path toward the Taproot protocol upgrade...

This episode of "The Van Wirdum Sjorsnado" is about Speedy Trial, the proposed Taproot activation mechanism...