Willy Woo, an on-chain analyst, took to X on April 29, raising concerns about the fate of retail...

In a detailed analysis, Will Clemente, an on-chain analyst and co-founder of Reflexivity Research, has presented...

Legendary investor Paul Tudor Jones lays out his recession trades including Bitcoin

Yields and oil continue to rise signaling higher inflation, yet these things fall in recessions ...

The Big Flip thesis has been gaining traction in the financial world and describes the market’s...

The market is nearly unanimous in expecting a 0.25% rate hike during February's FOMC meeting, yet...

The crypto market has been on a roll recently as it rallied with Bitcoin and Ethereum...

While the Bitcoin and crypto markets are still dealing with the aftermath of the FTX collapse,...

Coinbase was among the crypto companies that downsized its manpower this year due to prolonged bearish...

One of the crypto winter catalysts was the Federal Reserve’s announcement of a rate increase to...

Jamie Dimon’s leaked comments with predictions for the global economy and geopolitics paint a bleak picture...

The danger of letting political interests control supposedly neutral data and science is obvious when terms...

The FOMC increased interest rates by 0.75 percentage point while indicating ‘unusually large’ hikes may be...

June data for the United States and the eurozone show economic contraction underway and that the...

Economist Peter Schiff – the favorite opponent of bitcoin evangelists on social media – has again...

Mohamed El-Erian, Chief Economic Advisor for Allianz, took an interview with CNBC to discuss the rising...

For patient accumulators of bitcoin, the current and potential future price action of bitcoin should be...

Bitcoin has not had the best of weeks so far but its 8% slide is just...

Notwithstanding the Friday dump which has just sent bitcoin price back below $8k, the global economy...

More cracks seem to be appearing in US financial markets as the central bank has to...