Nostr, an open protocol that promises to substitute centrally-controlled social networks such as Twitter, is now...

OlympusDAO, a decentralized reserve currency protocol launched in May last year, was the target of a...

Bitcoin is defined by its users, but how many node operators understand and verify protocol changes...

The history of Bitcoin upgrade activation mechanisms informs an opinion on how to make protocol changes...

A panel held at Bitcoin 2022 set out to explore the benefits and tradeoffs of activating...

Attacks to make Bitcoin change its issuance mechanism to proof of stake are futile. History has...

CheckTemplateVerify (CTV) is meant to enable more flexibility on the network, but its potential activation is...

Ledger just dropped news of its latest bitcoin hardware wallet, and it comes with an app...

Part of Decred’s goal in 2018 is to come up with a formal proposal for a...

A new grant project aimed at greater diversity in Bitcoin development is offering $1.2 million USD...

ProtocolTV has released a trailer for its already completed Bitcoin documentary, Bitcoin: Buenos Aires which focuses...