Judging from various reports in the media over the past year, Bitcoin is in a...

The Latest Satoshi has turned out to be another damp squib. The search continues?

The Australian computer scientist Craig Steven Wright is sending shock waves throughout the Bitcoin world,...

Through a coordinated media event, the Australian computer scientist Craig Steven Wright today claimed to...

In a recent interview with Let’s Talk Bitcoin, Bitcoin Foundation Chief Scientist Gavin Andresen explained...

There have been a few proposals to increase the maximumblocksize in Bitcoin over the past...

Bitcoin wallet provider GreenAddress was always critical of raising Bitcoin's block-size limit. As one of...

With Mike Hearn taking a step back from Bitcoin development to work for private blockchain...

Hard forks are a rather contentious issue in Bitcoin. The controversy surrounding hard forks can...

The idea of a benevolent dictator for Bitcoin has become a topic of conversation throughout the community...

Bitcoin XT Developer and Bitcoin Foundation Chief Scientist Gavin Andresen was interviewed on Epicenter Bitcoin earlier this week, with the conversation mainly

Lightning networks are considered a promising innovation in the Bitcoin space, which would make the...

It has been little over a week since Mike Hearn and Gavin Andresen included Bitcoin...

In May, Bitcoin Magazinereported that lead Bitcoin developer Gavin Andresen is persuaded that the best...

With the current one-megabyte-per-block limit, the Bitcoin network can process only a few transactions per...

In an attempt to incentivize more Bitcoin and blockchain applications, Coinbase has announced the second edition of...

There's been some concern about Bitcoin transaction fees, lately, and the outlook appears grim. A new...

Well I attended Bitcoin 2014 in Amsterdam and it was a blast. I met lots...