The history of Bitcoin upgrade activation mechanisms informs an opinion on how to make protocol changes...

Currently, various factors disincentivize attacks of minority chains; DLCs might create a workaround that returns the...

Two years after Bitcoin SV split from Bitcoin Cash, another hard fork and community dispute could...

The word “fork” is somewhat confusing because there are different kinds of “forks” that can...

As Taproot, the latest consensus protocol change, approaches activation, Bitcoin developers are asking how exactly the...

On August 1, 2017, the Bitcoin community was scheduled to initiate the network’s first user-activated soft...

With the IRS planning to release further cryptocurrency tax guidelines, there are three major things investors...

Craig Wright insists that he's Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonymous inventor of Bitcoin - but the evidence...

Over the years, Bitcoin has gained a reputation for having a “toxic” community of users around...

In a post earlier this week on its official website, Weiss Cryptocurrency Ratings praised some of...

It may be the biggest cryptocurrency exchange heist in India to date, and the Coinsecure suspects...

Can open source blockchain projects protect their protocols from ‘incumbent’ companies?

Through a splash in the media, Purse and its in-house-built alternative Bitcoin implementation Bcoin recently...

One of the key narratives around Bitcoin has always been that it is a math-based,...

In my previous article, I touched upon the technical implications of a chain split and...

An often misunderstood topic is that of chain splits and how they are potentially resolved....

Just when Bitcoin’s long-lasting scalability dispute appeared to have reached a deadlock, a pseudonymous mailing-list...

A few weeks ago, the relatively new India-based bitcoin mining pool GBMiners decided to switch...

Imagine this scenario: Tom owes you money. Years later, Tom clones himself and claims the...

Since the beginning of the development of Segregated Witness, an increasing number of alternative Bitcoin...