Given anonymity by the New Zealand court, an unnamed Cryptopia employee pleaded guilty to the theft...

The claims process requires creditors to register on the Cryptopia claims portal and confirm details regarding...

The tale of hacked exchange Cryptopia’s extended liquidation is poised to see new legal action from...

Award winning filmmaker, Torsten Hoffmann, follows up his 2015 Bitcoin film with an in-depth look at...

At long last Cryptopia victims may be one step closer to finally recovering their cryptos. After...

Hacked cryptocurrency exchange Cryptopia today informed its users that the High Court of New Zealand has...

Ever since Grant Thornton were appointed as liquidators of the defunct Cryptopia exchange it’s been an...

The self-governing body Blockchain Australia removed ACX.IO from its list of partners, following trader complaints that...

Things go from bad to worse for users of hacked New Zealand-based cryptocurrency exchange Cryptopia. Its...

The Cobinhood exchange, a staple of up-and-coming coin and token projects, has announced a sudden down...

2019 saw a number of large crypto exchange hacks, resulting in millions of dollars stolen per...

Liquidator Grant Thornton recovered $7.2 million since May but warns that the complexity of proving ownership...

Grant Thornton, the firm liquidating hacked New Zealand cryptocurrency exchange Cryptopia, discusses how best to do...

The liquidator of hacked cryptocurrency exchange Cryptopia claims to have made progress toward securing and preserving...

Grant Thornton, the liquidators of hacked New Zealand Bitcoin exchange Cryptopia, have released an update on...

Cryptopia’s liquidator Grant Thornton released an estimation on the financial state of the firm, reporting a...

As the Cryptopia liquidation saga continues, new questions emerge about how safe popular exchanges really are....

Defunct cryptocurrency exchange Cryptopia has received interim protection for user account data stored in Arizona.

Grant Thornton confirmed it was targeting databases in Arizona as part of its efforts to reconcile...

The founder of defunct cryptocurrency exchange Cryptopia, which shut down following a hack in January 2019,...