Edward Snowden, who has been in exile in Russia since 2013, virtually addressed Bitcoin 2024 attendees...

The US state of Michigan followed Wisconsin in having its pension fund invest in exchange-traded funds...

Judge Lewis Kaplan approved a motion allowing PACs that received donations from Sam Bankman-Fried to file...

Many voters and pundits monitoring congressional races in Michigan and Washington have criticized the Protect Progress...

Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop said the city was updating its paperwork with the SEC to...

SearchGPT’s features are not yet available to the general public, but they could also be integrated...

Federal Election Commission filings for the Trump 47 Committee show crypto donations from executives at Gemini,...

An address potentially connected to the Ethereum Foundation moved roughly 92,500 Ether on July 25 to...

FEC filings showed the Stand With Crypto PAC received $13,690 in contributions from seven individuals between...

Under CEO Michelle Bond, Digital Future announced a US voter education and registration project initially targeting...

Andrei Cherny, supported by the Super PAC Protect Progress, is one of six Democratic candidates running...

Lawmakers in the US House of Representatives passed the Financial Technology Protection Act, which would establish...

According to a social media post by Donald Trump, he has not considered JPMorgan CEO Jamie...

Antonia Perez Hernandez and Nestor Nunez pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit wire fraud by promoting...

Swan Bitcoin CEO Cory Klippsten announced staff cuts, a withdrawal from its IPO plans, and the...

Donald Trump’s vice presidential pick reported holding Bitcoin. Some Democrats who could potentially be in the...

Judge Analisa Torres dismissed a lawsuit filed by IRA Financial Trust against Gemini Trust with prejudice...

Based in Hong Kong, the Bitforex crypto exchange reported that the Chinese police detained its team...

After Germany sold roughly $2.8 billion in Bitcoin, the country with the second largest holdings, the...

Protect Progress used more than $1.3 million to support Democratic congressional candidate Yassamin Ansari before a...