Bakkt gets new authorization to operate in New York.

Final thoughts on securities trading, anti-money laundering and CBDCs lead today's Law Decoded.

Former CFTC Chairman Tarbert leaves the commission entirely.

The Senate holds its first hearing on Gary Gensler's nomination to chair the SEC.

Big narratives in crypto came to a head in this week's law and policy news. ...

The notion of China racing to a CBDC that will end U.S. supremacy doesn't hold up...

With journalism under financial attack in Russia, Bitcoin can help reporters maintain self-sovereignty and solvency.

Securities markets are due for some updating, but nobody is moving quickly.

Congress' hearing on GME market manipulation focused on Robinhood's outsized control of the market.

The U.S. sanctions authority fines another crypto company for failure to implement proper KYC and, as...

The U.S. is increasing pressure on North Korea's hacking program.

National security meets securities registration in this week's Law Decoded.

The investigations into wild markets in GME and AMC has expanded to U.S. criminal authorities. ...

The Bank of Canada is growing more interested in issuing a CBDC.

501(3)(c) status boosts the project's legitimacy as well as its efficiency in using donations.

New support for Wikileaks' founder comes from a wide spectrum of non-profits.

Hammond has extensive experience in the halls of Congress as well as working with the crypto...

China sees new rules on anticompetitive market behavior.

Authorities gear up antitrust provisions to strike down anti-competitive practices in tech.

Protego gets national trust bank charter from the OCC.