Denis Vasin is the co-founder and lead developer of Telegram-integrated perpetual DEX, Storm Trade, and he...

A platform that leverages AI to improve blockchain analytics is introducing a delegation mechanism to increase...

A protocol that uses AI to foster real user interactions in Web3 turns every action into...

CeDeFi super app seeks to tackle sustainability issues with an ESG-focused launchpad while addressing industry fragmentation...

Storm Trade, a DEX that enables users to trade perpetual futures across various assets, joins the...

Hats Finance, a community-focused audit platform that enables permissionless on-chain competitions and bug bounties has joined...

Zaros, a perpetual decentralized exchange powered by restaking vaults for Arbitrum and Monad, joins the Cointelegraph...

The complexity of converting cryptocurrencies to fiat and using them for daily transactions creates a barrier...

Liquid staking on Ethereum addresses the challenges of high entry requirements and lack of liquidity, enabling...

Fragmentation is a major issue for the blockchain space, and this protocol offers a united platform...

Elon Musk argues that Web3 is based on short-term FOMO. This AI-driven anti-bot system is here...

Blockchain-based Web3 technologies can cleanse social media of fake accounts and AI-driven disinformation

Generative AI is transforming the streaming landscape, enabling a broader range of creators to produce high-quality...

Legally connecting physical assets with digital tokens can enhance global trade efficiency and asset liquidity by...

Enhancing security, transparency and user control in data ownership, blockchain technology can introduce reputation score mechanisms...

Web3 game featuring AI tools that redefine in-game strategy and customization is available in early access...

Oracles are critical in decentralized finance for bridging real-world data with blockchain networks, yet challenges persist...

Facing the industry’s challenge of integrating digital with physical realms, an emerging platform is using its...

Web3 faces user engagement and security challenges due to bad actors and low participation, highlighting a...

Backed by venture capital, this AI-powered Web3 marketing tool seeks to streamline marketing efforts while resisting...