CeDeFi super app seeks to tackle sustainability issues with an ESG-focused launchpad while addressing industry fragmentation...

Web3 needs Web2 users to sustain its growth, and Telegram offers a gateway for onboarding more...

Small-scale farmers lack the essential tools to address significant challenges in avocado production. Here’s how blockchain...

The latest in Web3 was at the stage at Token2049 Dubai, including a growing Web3 ecosystem...

Blockchain technology offers improved efficiency, reduced delays and better transparency for the aviation industry

Music Data NFTs are transforming artist control and audience interaction by allowing musicians to update, manage...

Centralized instant messaging apps are plagued with censorship, outages and data security concerns. Here’s how decentralization...

The transformative journey of leading blockchain technology: Protocol brings the community together in a DAO-driven event,...

Generative AI is transforming the streaming landscape, enabling a broader range of creators to produce high-quality...

A recent art expo showcased the innovative use of NFT technology to preserve and digitally enhance...

Memecoin event in Dubai explores the impact of the meme culture on the crypto landscape while...

Backed by Web3 heavyweights, layer-1 blockchain aims to become the “metaverse computer” by unifying a scattered...

Blockchain technology promises a new era for scientific publishing, offering transparency, speed and decentralized governance to...

The fragmented nature of the crypto space deters many newcomers from fully embracing digital assets. This...

The wellness industry faces challenges in user engagement and data privacy despite its projected growth to...

Exploring the intersection of NFT technology and Bitcoin mining, a new innovative approach is set to...

Community-owned small language model project introduces a framework for incentivized data sharing, aiming to redefine AI...

Web3 faces user engagement and security challenges due to bad actors and low participation, highlighting a...

A new partnership between a Swiss financial institution and a crypto wallet service aims to welcome...

NFTs can become more resilient to market downturns with a hybrid approach that combines the best...