The focus of Falbesoner’s work seeks to bring greater privacy to Bitcoin node operators through encryption....

Erlay will bring bandwidth efficiency gains to Bitcoin’s peer-to-peer layer by changing the transaction relay protocol...

Bitcoin’s protocol is slow to change by design, but incentivizing the BIP feedback process with bounties...

Drivechains, like softchains, are another sidechain implementation with two-way peg functionality.

Signature aggregation could bring massive data-efficiency benefits to the network as well as open up more...

By making traffic between network peers encrypted, Bitcoin Improvement Proposal 324 can improve privacy by hiding...

A group of Bitcoin Core developers discussed various attack vectors for Bitcoin as well as ways...

Taro, a new protocol proposed by Lightning Labs, leverages Taproot and the Lightning Network to bring...

Different Bitcoin wallets have multiple options for whether to send an on-chain or a lightning payment...

Bitcoin Core developers are considering “burying” the Taproot soft fork, to help developers when reviewing the...

CheckTemplateVerify (CTV) is meant to enable more flexibility on the network, but its potential activation is...

Taproot activation is a fantastic step forward for the Bitcoin network in terms of security and...

The highly-anticipated upgrade is set to roll out over the weekend, changing Bitcoin for the better....

This week’s Bitcoin Optech describes two proposed BIPs related to wallet support for Taproot, and features...

This week’s newsletter celebrates the lock-in of Taproot, describes a draft BIP for improving transaction privacy...

A forthcoming Bitcoin Improvement Proposal could greatly reduce the bandwidth required to run a full node....

Bitcoin privacy is expected to improve with a few key proposals that are currently being worked...

The confusion and tension surrounding the term “Bitcoin XT” is what many are pointing toward as...

The current Bitcoin blockchain block size debate has been very contentious. When Gavin Andresen and Mike...