As we continue to debate the proper roles of crypto and lending, bitcoin full reserve can...

Szabo explained the history of philosophical and technical work by the cypherpunks that led up to...

The growth of bitcoin adoption in Ukraine offers a template for other countries where people seek...

The Bitcoinization of Jordan Peterson is a go. The famed psychologist and media personality had a...

These books can help you expand your bitcoin knowledge, as well as your understanding of the...

What does living under an unsound money regime looks like? Just look around. You open the...

It’s amazing how fast Jordan Peterson caught on to the complex ideas behind Bitcoin. The Canadian...

Let’s do this! It’s time for another dose of Saifedean Ammous’ “The Bitcoin Standard.” Today we’re...

Let’s finish the 4th chapter once and for all, book lovers. As promised, we’re going to...

Bitcoin’s journey in gaining price, purchasing power and salability have been instrumental in its path to...

A recently published economic research paper argues that a global cryptocurrency would make international monetary policy...

One of the earliest criticisms of Bitcoin was that the underlying token in the system had...

Saifedean Ammous, economics professor and author of The Bitcoin Standard, spoke with Bitcoinist in an exclusive interview. He explains...

Stablecoins are a new idea that is being advanced by some people in the cryptocurrency community....

By: Catherine Bleish Daniel Krawisz has made a name for himself as the philosophical opponent...

There have been a number of Bitcoin detractors. Most mainstream economists and intellectuals denounce the...

Researching all things bitcoin thoroughly for the last two years has led me to come...

One sentence perfectly summarizes the problems with modern finance, and you can find it in...

Part of this article appears in Issue 20 In his pocket, Joe has an old...

The Montreal Economic Institute (MEI) has released an economic note on the state of Bitcoin...