Tulip Mania is the go-to story whenever someone wants to talk about humanity’s penchant for irrational...

One of Bitcoin’s best features is its openness. Any person (or group of people) can...

If you want more proof of how big this event is, check out the wagering hype...

In a joint op-ed originally published in the London Times, both leaders clarified their commitment to...

Software provider AlphaPoint could very well be the most important Bitcoin company you’ve never heard of....

Circle offers new native apps for both iOS and Android.

While many in the community believed at the time that this signified a bubble waiting to...

A beautifully animated new video entitled Bitcoin Properly seeks to ease this frustration.

CEO of Overstock Patrick Byrne expanded on his plans to create a decentralized stock exchange called...

I studied economics and this doesn’t make sense to me. From an academic standpoint all I...

Paul Krugman had written another piece attacking Bitcoin, I was surprised by his justification.

In May of this year, start-up Coinme released their first Robocoin kiosk at the Spitfire...

Can the Average Person Use Bitcoin

Bobby Lee is the CEO of BTC China, a three year old exchange which he...

This article first appeared on page 26 of Issue 21. You probably don't think about...

bitcoin merchant adoption