When bitcoin becomes the global reserve currency, central banks won’t go extinct, but they will have...

The United States government is likely to back the dollar with bitcoin in order to protect...

The dollar wrecking ball is hurting emerging markets and competing currencies alike. Will the U.S. be...

The CEO of Relai brings up some important considerations for the possibility that the U.S. dollar...

The expansionary behavior of the United States hasn’t stopped with other countries adopting bitcoin. The U.S....

What Ethereum’s Tornado Cash protocol being blacklisted by the government means for Bitcoin, and how to...

Changes in bitcoin’s ranking as a global base money is to be expected as the price...

The world stands on the precipice of a monetary restructuring, with bitcoin seemingly the most likely...

A changing of the guard is standard for fiat currencies — but bitcoin is set to...

Executives said Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are fundamentally different from the traditional system and need new rules....

Alex Gladstein provides a historical recount of how the United States rug pulled the entire world...

Bitcoin could rise to that spot as people keep losing faith and confidence in governments and...

The US-China trade war could become dire at any point and the two largest economies might...

Bitcoin has outperformed nearly every other traditional asset this year. With an epic surge of almost...

In his first New Year show, Max Keiser looks at what an increasingly de-globalized, de-dollarized world could mean for...