Cryptocurrencies struggle to interact with regulatory and financial systems that were not designed for them, but...

Aethir partners with MetaGravity to revolutionize 3D internet and gaming using DePIN technology, enhancing scalability, efficiency...

Centralized sequencers achieve higher throughputs and performance, but they also create severe security risks — illustrated...

A MakerDAO governance delegate lost $11 million in Aave Ethereum Maker and Pendle USDe tokens in...

Hong Kong's Legislative Council invites global industry input on Web3 and virtual assets policy development. This...

Fox and Time partner to use the Verify protocol on a ZK blockchain for immutable content...

Vitalik Buterin endorses TiTok AI, a groundbreaking image compression method by ByteDance and TUM researchers, emphasizing...

Music Protocol CEO Sergio Mottola explains how tokenizing music catalogs with blockchain technology can revolutionize the...

An audit challenge highlighted the benefits of an AI-supported audit’s capabilities and while showcasing human expertise...

Corporate blockchain adoption is growing, with 39% more Fortune 100 companies launching projects year-on-year, despite a...

Aethir launches its decentralized cloud compute network on Ethereum mainnet, enabling enterprises to contribute idle GPU...

Proof of SQL, a new open-source ZK-proof technology, aims to cut SQL query times from 30...

The ASI merger has been delayed to July 15 for technical preparations. Despite the setback, the...

A protocol that uses AI to foster real user interactions in Web3 turns every action into...

The African Development Bank and Intel have teamed up to equip three million Africans and 30,000...

Apple is set to reveal "Apple Intelligence" as a response to the recent surge of artificial...

Zilliqa has launched its white paper and roadmap for version 2.0, which aims to enhance speed,...

Bitdeer announces the SEAL04 chip, which is expected to achieve 5 J/TH efficiency for its Sealminer...

Nvidia and Apple are jousting for the title of world's second most valuable company by market...

Meta Platforms faces 11 complaints from EU countries over its AI data use policy changes. ...