Bitcoin can even fix water shortages in water poor nations. Yes, really.

Software providers are helping Bitcoin miners participate in load response programs to ensure grid stability. ...

While detractors often cite Bitcoin’s energy consumption as a negative, this doesn’t automatically imply environmental impact....

A common misconception, bitcoin is not a drain on the environment but an incentive for ever-increasing...

Solar energy, like bitcoin, can be an effective tool to protect oneself from poor government systems...

As the bears lick their wounds and escape to the caves for the winter, Bitcoin sinks...

In a new white paper, financial services company Square outlines the opportunity presented by Bitcoin to...

Gryphon Digital Mining has raised $14 million for a zero-carbon bitcoin mining operation.

North America is becoming an increasingly popular home for bitcoin mining operations, from Georgia to Alberta....

Chinese regulators in Inner Mongolia have issued a notice calling for a stop to bitcoin mining...

Rampant flooding in China’s Sichuan province has had a catastrophic effect on some of the world’s...

Energy suppliers should be clamoring over the opportunity to get a steady, predictable power use customer,...

The crypto mining industry’s energy consumption today go to providing proof of work, immutability and consensus...

According to CoinShares’ latest biannual mining report, the vast majority of bitcoin mining power comes from...

Strict regulations and th high cost of electricity and setting up a mining rig are some...

“Since the beginning Canada has been at the forefront of Bitcoin. I think the timing couldn’t...

With access to the cheap, renewable energy, this bitcoin mine can operate with minimal costs and...

Under the right circumstances, cryptocurrency mining can produce a minimal carbon output. Moreover, its energy emissions...