Despite efforts to combat cybercrimes and theft in the crypto industry, a recent study by Chainalysis...

Ransomware attacks resulted in over $1 billion of cryptocurrency payments in 2023 as criminals targeted high-profile...

SmokeLoader, RaccoonStealer (also known as RecordBreaker) and Vidar top the charts, according to BlackBerry’s list.

While scams fell by 77% in the first half of the year, ransom revenue jumped over...

Since Dec. 2022, the two malicious files — MortalKombat ransomware and Laplas Clipper malware threats —...

Senator Elizabeth Warren and Congresswoman Deborah Ross introduced a bill to trace and prevent ransom payments...

Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President Joe Biden spoke at separate press conferences following a...

A task force made of up officials from the U.S. Department of Justice, FBI and others...

AA v. Bitfinex: Cybercrime insurer throws money away in failed attempt to pursue crypto exchange over...

Stablecoin issuer Tether says it received a 500 BTC ransom demand from hackers who threatened to...

A former YouTuber has been sentenced to 50 years in prison for masterminding a kidnapping that...

New York state senators have drafted two bills this month that propose a ban on paying...

Attackers demanded a payment of $6 million worth of bitcoin after hacking Travelex, a foreign currency...

Reports emerged that hackers have demanded bitcoin as ransom from users of vulnerable cameras sold by...

Karem Albayrak, a self-proclaimed hacker who somehow got access to 300 million iPhones, pleaded guilty to...

An alleged “The Dark Overlord” hacking collective member has been extradited from the U.K. to face...

The Argentinian government has been hit with a Bitcoin ransomware attack. According to the latest information,...

Authorities in Johannesburg are holding firm in their refusal to pay a ransom of 4 Bitcoin...

Cybercriminals earned $1.2 million in Bitcoin through “sextortion” and bomb threat email scams in the last...

Bitcoin Private (BTCP) developers have accused cryptocurrency exchange HitBTC of fraud in connection with the recent...