Yesterday’s meltdown of the crypto markets was not entirely negative, Bitcoin, although price dropped substantially, has...

Peter Brandt, a trader with over 30 years experience in the markets, has predicted that the...

A trader who placed an order for LINK on Binance in January 2019, got extremely lucky...

Huobi and Bithumb, two of the leading exchanges in Asia’s crypto markets were both paralyzed by...

Bitcoin plummeted -29.71% overnight from yesterday’s high of $7967 to a low of $5600 in an...

The number of new Tether addresses has spiked in the last 24 hours prompting some analysts...

Bitcoin’s PoW consensus mechanism is secured by consumption of electricity, this is what makes each newly...

Crypto mining is becoming exponentially competitive. It used to be that anyone with a PC could...

Ivan on Tech has once again been censored on Youtube. As a result, the popular crypto...

Ripple partner and global remittance player TerraPay has just been acquired for an undisclosed amount of...

Bitcoin’s mining difficulty rate adjustment is one of the key innovations behind the success of the...

Even though Bitcoin has declined in price almost 26% since February 13th, this pullback does not...

A vast majority of the crypto market has been in a slump for the past 24...

We are going to take a look at a few mistakes new Bitcoin traders often make...

Just 3 days after recognizing crypto-assets as financial instruments, BaFin, Germany’s financial regulatory agency has shut...

Huobi Thailand is launching a crypto-asset to Baht, Thailand’s national currency, powered by Huobi’s cloud platform....

Fidelity investments just announced that they made record profits in 2019. Can they do the same...

42% of Bitcoin has not moved on-chain for at least two years, the highest concentration of...

In the latest development of the Craig Wright vs Ira Kleiman legal circus, the Plaintiff’s legal...

In one of the craziest weeks in financial market history, the Fed has announced emergency economic...