Innovative technology companies are leveraging blockchain technology to build next-generation business models and Content Delivery...

Bitcoin Core 0.13.1 was released last week, which means miner signaling on the proposed SegregatedWitness (SegWit) soft...

The European Banking Authority (EBA) has advised that the European Commission establish a regulatory regime specific to virtual...

Last month, the European Commission published a draft directive proposing to extend anti-money laundering (AML) regulation...

The European Commission published a draft directive last week proposing to amend existing anti-money laundering rules to...

The European Commission published a new directive draft last week proposing to extend strict anti-money...

Traffic over the Bitcoin network has always been unencrypted. Transactions and blocks are sent from node...

Wiper is an encrypted mobile messenger with a built-in Bitcoin wallet that allows users to...

During the price gains over the last several weeks, the focus has been on the...

Financial disruption from the inside Regulation makes it impossible today for most institutional investors to...

Ripple Labs, maintainer of the digital currency Ripple, has announced it will not continue the...

Last month Bitcoin Magazinereported that Bitcoin Tracker One, the first Bitcoin-based security available on a...

Two weeks ago XBT Provider AB announced the authorization of Bitcoin Tracker One, the first...

XBT Provider AB announced today the authorization of Bitcoin Tracker One, the first bitcoin-based security...

Freedom Hosting, a web hosting provider specifically targeting websites in the Tor community, has been...