The mining company confirmed the operation is still shuttered after contractual disagreements with their power provider,...

Bitcoin mining companies are working with electricity providers to find solutions for power that support mining...

In denouncing Bitcoin’s proof of work and Decentralized Identifiers, Mozilla’s Tantek Çelik undermines the W3C’s own...

Energy production and its surrounding industry will experience a major shift in operations as Bitcoin becomes...

The government in Iran is reportedly moving to authorize bitcoin mining but seems divided on the...

The University of Cambridge’s Judge Business School has released a model for estimating Bitcoin’s real-time and...

The Iranian government has reportedly seized over 1,000 bitcoin miners as it works to curb the...

The crypto mining industry’s energy consumption today go to providing proof of work, immutability and consensus...

A new August survey says the number of Australians currently holding virtual currency has nearly tripled...

Hydro-Quebéc (HQ) is a public utility that manages the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity...

There’s been a lot of hype about Bitcoin power consumption, with many outlets saying that it’s...

The continuing rise in Bitcoin is being fueled extensively by coal as many Chinese Bitcoin mining...