Footage accompanying a New York Times article critical of Bitcoin mining appears to have been manipulated...

A recent editorial attack on Bitcoin mining by The New York Times raises questions about its...

In testimony before the U.S. Senate Banking Committee, actor Ben McKenize and professor Hillary Allen offered...

Enriching people for low-energy services won’t save the environment, only proof of work builds a sustainable...

Bitcoin can breathe new life into Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC), a 150-year old renewable technology...

One does not simply change Bitcoin’s code, as the Change The Code campaign ridiculously requests.

Bitcoin environmental concerns are often portrayed in misleading and exaggerated ways contrary to proper research.

PlanB’s S2F/S2FX models are scientifically invalid and have fundamental issues that may lead investors astray.

Measuring Bitcoin’s environmental impact with “energy per transaction” is misleading and disingenuous.

U.S. National Defense Fellow Jason Lowery argues that Bitcoin’s proof-of-work consensus model can replace our reliance...

Alex Gladstein’s contributions to Bitcoin Magazine last year helped us all understand the human rights implications...

The perpetual Ethereum difficulty bomb is evidence that blockchains can be coercive, and Bitcoin is evidence...

Unlike other cryptocurrencies, bitcoin was not premined and is in unique regulatory position to serve as...

Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) built on the immutable ledger of Bitcoin can empower users to secure their...

As an arbiter of truth for the most reliable and cheapest forms of energy, Bitcoin can...

In denouncing Bitcoin’s proof of work and Decentralized Identifiers, Mozilla’s Tantek Çelik undermines the W3C’s own...

The overdramatization of environmental concerns related to bitcoin mining obfuscate any legitimate conversation on the topic....

The adoption of bitcoin by El Salvador poses an interesting contradiction of freedoms, albeit solved on...

Elon Musk and the Dutch Central Bank could potentially mislead bitcoin investors as they utilize incorrect...

This article describes the future of energy in a world where bitcoin reigns as the sovereign...