Developing a tough mind and a tender heart is a strong foundation for Bitcoin Maximalists to...

A society built on endless war is only possible given the power to print endless money...

The perpetual warfare of the last two decades will lose its source of funding as we...

How do the attributes of Bitcoin relate to the values of love and harmony that Mohandas...

The cheap, abundant energy and open trade enabled by Bitcoin will make humanity significantly more peaceful....

With Palestinians excluded from financial services and unable to achieve independence in the fiat system, the...

As an arbiter of truth for the most reliable and cheapest forms of energy, Bitcoin can...

Bitcoin will ultimately “fix the money” and enable world peace, but we can bring this future...

How Bitcoin's proof-of-work consensus mechanism is a peaceful alternative to the predominant consensus mechanism: warring militaries....

Bitcoin offers an alternative to a universal security system backed by men with guns. It creates...