While Bitcoin transactions per day have hit a fresh 2019 high, a “better indicator” measuring transaction...

Bitcoin Corelaunched its latest software release last week, which includes a proposed SegregatedWitness soft fork. If...

As opposed to the majority of altcoins, Monero is not based on Bitcoin’s code-base or protocol....

All (full) Bitcoin nodes verify all transactions on the network. This allows the system to...

Bitcoin right now is  not really anonymous. While Bitcoin addresses aren't necessarily linked to real-world...

At its heart, the Bitcoin protocol consists of transactions. All these transactions are completely public on...

Andrew Poelstra is a mathematician at Blockstream and was recently part of a panel discussion...

In this first part of Bitcoin Magazine’s three-part series on Segregated Witness: how it works.

Bitcoin is not anonymous, but, rather, pseudo-anonymous. By now, most Bitcoin veterans know this. It’s...

With representatives from the Bitcoin Foundation currently meeting high-level officials from a number of US...