The first steps of a multi-stage plan to regulate the cryptocurrency industry within Australia have been...

A bill introduced by Sen. Wendy Rogers reflects growing interest in bitcoin from U.S. states.

Regulators like the FATF are going to continue to make decisions surrounding Bitcoin, so Bitcoiners should...

Regulators like the FATF are going to continue to make decisions surrounding Bitcoin, so Bitcoiners should...

In the absence of clear federal policy around bitcoin, state agencies will continue to coordinate their...

As Bitcoin gains momentum around the world, financial regulators step up their game to try and...

The adoption of bitcoin by El Salvador poses an interesting contradiction of freedoms, albeit solved on...

Bitcoin is steady, reliable money, guaranteed, as no man-made laws lead to stronger, safer, more reliable...

The Hangzhou Internet Court ruled that bitcoin is considered legal property under the law in China....

Facebook is being sued by Dutch media tycoon, John de Mol, for posting fraudulent Bitcoin ads...

Bitfinex and Tether’s legal counsel has written a response to the New York Attorney General’s (NYAG)...

Former Mt. Gox CEO Mark Karpeles has run into trouble in the Japanese legal system, and...

The Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration (SCIA) has recently affirmed that cryptocurrencies, specifically bitcoin and several...

The law offices of Pomerantz LLP in New York have filed a series of civil suits...

The bills-turned-law detail the regulation of ICOs and cryptocurrencies and the process for setting up crypto-based...

As Bitcoin is adopted by more users every day, the need to determine how it...

On April 7, attorneys and tech luminaries gathered at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, for...

Tokenization is the process of converting rights to an asset into a digital token on...

It appears that the Venezuelan authorities have had enough of Bitcoin. Over the past two...

The People’s Bank of China (PBOC) initiated meetings this week with leading bitcoin exchanges in...