Writing for the World Economic Forum's Global Agenda section, SettleMint CEO Matthew Van Niekerk says blockchain...

An Australian Senate fintech committee has released a raft of recommendations. and announced it will review...

The U.N. first launched its blockchain project for sustainable urban development in Afghanistan in 2019

The IADB is piloting three projects to see if blockchain technology can solve some of the...

Researcher from RMIT explains why startups will fail to fulfil their promises to disrupt real estate...

The UN is developing blockchain solutions for development in Afghanistan.

The World Bank has joined the increasing list of entities skeptical over the technology’s potential impact....

The government of the Australian state of New South Wales is set to complete a proof-of-concept...

Swedish land registry Lantmäteriet is soon going to conduct their first Blockchain property sale with volunteers...

Blockchain and smart contracts are the focus of a successful trial in Sweden which could save...

The idea of registering title, property rights, on the Blockchain is a mechanism for fostering social...

Blockchain-based land registry may help create new toxic assets and lead to a new financial meltdown....

Will Bitland's first official ICO initiate a process which would resolve the prevailing global rural real...

The Swedish National Land Survey (Lantmäteriet) recently announced that it is conducting trials of a...

Sweden could become the first country to put the country’s land registry on the Blockchain, the...

Texas-based record-keeping service Factom has reportedly partnered with the Honduras government to pilot a program...