CoinMarketCap’s DATA Alliance met in a roundtable today to discuss the use of liquidity metrics, self-reported...

Cointelegraph has tuned in live to the United States Senate Banking Committee hearing on a regulatory...

The QuadrigaCX story gets weirder, and Satoshi Nakamoto is apparently the author of a coloring book....

Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss are portrayed as the good guys this time in Ben Mezrich’s new...

Ben Mezrich’s new book about the Winklevoss twins highlights their dislike of both Mark Zuckerberg and...

Bitcoin is reportedly producing as much carbon emissions as Kansas City, while Facebook gets some new...

CCN, one of the top crypto media sites globally, has announced that they are shutting down....

Tron CEO Justin Sun gets to lunch with Warren Buffett for $4.5 million, while Facebook’s coin...

Antonopoulos believes that the current volatility is an inevitable fact arising from the crypto market’s limited...

Kik has launched a Defend Crypto campaign, while Facebook’s crypto coin could face some demographic challenges....

Craig Wright again makes claims about his true identity as Satoshi Nakamoto, while the SEC delays...

Bitstamp processed a very large sell order, while Bakkt’s bitcoin futures should be tested in July....

Fidelity may soon offer crypto trading, Facebook Coin may be launched in Q3 2019, and more....

Stablecoin tether is apparently only backed 74% by cash reserves, and Elon Musk and Vitalik Buterin...

Bitfinex and Tether deny the New York attorney general’s claims of a lost $850 million, and...

FinCEN’s enforcement against a p2p crypto exchanger could set a precedent, and French instant mashed potatoes...

CoinMarketCap’s new mobile app versions will allow for price tracking and setting price alerts.

Bloomberg calls Bitcoin a bubble yet again, and Facebook is seemingly looking for $1 billion from...

This week, PayPal ventured into blockchain for the first time, and Coinbase turns to cross-border payments....

This week saw the hacks of several large cryptocurrency exchanges, while the SEC pushed back their...