Jon Matonis, co-founder of the Bitcoin Foundation went on record proclaiming his assertive position on Bitcoin...

Bitcoin will spark a host of new financial tools and is not a bubble, Jon Matonis...

Globitex, a new bitcoin exchange co-founded by Jon Matonis, will be allowed to carry out payment...

Make no mistake. We are witnessing a high-stakes protocol standards battle play out in real...

A closed-door meeting with Blockchain’s biggest businesses has failed to excite the cryptocurrency community.

Estonia will be more noticeable on the global Blockchain map as Blockchain and Bitcoin Conference Tallinn...

Bitcoin’s unprecedented popularity is giving rise to unprecedented consumption of energy to power it – in...

The Latest Satoshi has turned out to be another damp squib. The search continues?

The Australian computer scientist Craig Steven Wright is sending shock waves throughout the Bitcoin world,...

Bitcoin community sleuths are already attempting to debunk the reported proof that Dr. Craig Wright is...

The beginning of this week saw heated debates which have already been labelled a Wikipedia Edit...

On Wednesday afternoon, a leading panel of leading Bitcoin experts and figures from around the industry...

First Global Credit now offers trades of shares on the London Stock Exchange and plans to...

Central Bank of Kenya, similarly to all major world CB previously, has warned public against Bitcoin...

Cubits, known as “Europes Gateway to Bitcoin”, is a company that offers instantaneous exchange of Bitcoin...

BitX Raises US$4M in Series A Funding; OpenBazaar plans to launch their platform by November of...

Singapore's central bank funds blockchain-based project; former Skype COO joins board; 36 French startups team...

Cointelegraph spoke to Jon Matonis on increasing the 21 million bitcoin cap, the importance of fungibility...

A cryptocurrency fund managed has raised over US$1 million; GoCoin and Ziftr announce merger agreement; rewards...

A global drug survey has shown an increase in online drug business; an Australian based startup...