In 2011, John McAfee’s friends pressured him into reading the Bitcoin white paper published by Satoshi...

John McAfee was no ordinary guy. He established himself as a leader in the cybersecurity industry...

Janice McAfee is not taking the claims made about her husband in a documentary seriously as...

Notorious Bitcoin proponent John McAfee could be hiding in some underground residence, or a secluded island...

The SEC's claims against McAfee were dismissed after the Commission filed a notice of death for...

There aren‘t many forecasters who would have seen these developments coming.

Janice McAfee doesn’t believe the ‘suicide narrative’ run by mainstream media concerning John McAfee’s death, noting...

John McAfee’s candle may have burned out, but his legacy will live on. Tributes for the...

John McAfee, the founder of the antivirus software company McAfee, was found dead in his cell...

While some are praising John McAfee as a brilliant and innovative tech genius, others have highlighted...

According to a spokeswoman for the Superior Court of Catalonia, former crypto promoter John McAfee was...

Multiple news outlets have reported that antivirus software founder John McAfee was found dead in his...

Detained in Spain since October 2020, antivirus software company founder John McAfee may be facing extradition...

If John McAfee is found guilty in the U.S. over tax evasion charges, the 76-year-old appears...

John McAfee, a software developer, and entrepreneur was indicted with fraud, tax evasion, and money laundering...

John McAfee’s bodyguard has pleaded not guilty to allegations he helped scam investors out of $13...

Regardless of the outcome, the charges against McAfee issued by the DoJ give us a deep...

Troubled antivirus software entrepreneur John McAfee blames Dogecoin for the new charges brought against him by...

John McAfee and Jimmy Watson Jr. face a number of charges, including "conspiracy to commit commodities...

A roundup of 2020's roughest, strangest, and most cringe-worthy content from the Cointelegraph Youtube channel