Bitcoin Magazine Books adds a new author in its growing lineup. This title explores various forms...

Jimmy Song shares his perspective on El Salvador's adoption of bitcoin, the housing market and how...

It’s time to talk monetary oppression at The Oslo Freedom Forum. Bitcoin heavyweights Jeff Booth and...

Bitcoin luminaries like Peter McCormack, Justine Harper, Charlie Lee, Jimmy Song and more joined a New...

Eight Bitcoin enthusiasts decided to write the book as a response to the $1.2 trillion bipartisan...

Author Jimmy Song discusses his book "Thank God For Bitcoin" and parallels between Bitcoin and Bible...

Author of “Programming Bitcoin” Jimmy Song discussed his upcoming appearance at the Bitcoin 2021 conference being...

If you haven’t been living under a rock, you know that today, 50 Bitcoin from an...

Chainlink and Hdac Technology are developing a new system to bolster smart contract execution using off-chain...

Crypto developer Jimmy Song has tweeted that many ‘marketing experts” who enter the crypto space end...

By 2014, financial companies were repeating “blockchain not Bitcoin” at every major conference; but blockchain technology...

Bitcoin educator and entrepreneur, Jimmy Song, has posted on the benefits (or lack thereof) of a diverse...

Billed as “A Peer-to-Peer Conference,” Bitcoin 2019 will be held at SVN West in San Francisco,...

The question here is whether bitcoin mining is a single point of failure. Could a government...

"The thing that makes Bitcoin hard to get started on is the cryptography, and that's hard...

Bitcoin continues to stabilize its network activity with a return to upward difficulty adjustments after hash...

An analysis of 2018 price performance and the slowdown of the ICO sector demonstrates the pitfalls...

On the latest episode of What Bitcoin Did, host Peter McCormack interviews Jimmy Song, a consultant...

Speaking at BlockShow Europe 2018, Jimmy Wales, the cofounder of Wikipedia, has stated his belief that...

Bitcoin Core developer Johnathan Corgan has joined Jimmy Song in criticizing the seeming lack of Bitcoin...