In a recent analysis of Compound Finance’s token distribution, Bubble Maps, a blockchain analytic platform on...

A controversial Arbitrum Improvement Proposal (AIP-1.05) that seeks to return 700 million ARB tokens to the...

The governance and origins of Bitcoin closely resemble those presented in the founding documents of the...

What can we learn from the 18th century in regards to governance and power when designing...

On examination, we find that when discussing ESG in regards to bitcoin, the focus is far...

Ethereum Creator suggests “proof-of-participation” and “proof-of-humanity” as the alternatives for the present coin voting. However, there...

A recent investigation into ‘voter turnout’ as an indicator of community participation in decentralized-governance tokens, throws...

South Korea will test out a new blockchain voting system this month, sources close to the...

A discussion about governance and decentralized platforms with Jason Hsu and John Collins

Daniel Larmier, the founder and technical architect of EOS, isn't pleased with the platform's constitution and...

According to data from EOS Authority, EOS has finally acquired the minimum votes required for its...

Part of Decred’s goal in 2018 is to come up with a formal proposal for a...

Decred, which describes itself as an autonomous “digital currency for the people,” is announcing the...

Imagine a country where you could live free without a central government telling you who...

Make no mistake. We are witnessing a high-stakes protocol standards battle play out in real...

Bitrated CEO Nadav Ivgi has developed an early implementation of, a coin-voting solution with an...

Qtum is an up-and-coming smart contract platform set to launch in September of this year....

NEW YORK — Dash has entered a partnership with Coinfirm to create AML/KYC compliant methods of...

What is “cryptocurrency 3.0?” According to developer and cryptocurrency enthusiast Charles Hoskinson, it’s the stage reached...

Blockchain-based decentralized apps platform Expanse has launched its newest project: Borderless.Tech. This platform offers “revolutionary” new decentralized...